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Date: October 30, 2022
Title: Speaking in Tongues
Passage: Acts 2:1-21
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in order that they would be witnesses on His behalf in Jerusalem, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world.
* Last week, as we considered the Scriptural Testimony of the coming and ministry of the Holy Spirit, we saw that there is both the Internal Presence of the Holy Spirit and the External Empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. When you accept Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell you. You become the temple of the Holy Spirit and He seals your salvation by becoming the guarantee of your redemption until the day of Christ's return. After salvation, we are told that the Holy Spirit then "comes upon" believers, immersing (baptizing) and clothing them with power in order for them to fulfill the task which God has called upon them to supernaturally perform. This, we saw, is the "Filling" of the Holy Spirit record in Acts 2. Biblically, those who were "filled with the Holy Spirit" would then speak the message of God boldly.
* Today, we continue our examination of this special out-pouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost by considering the "Speaking in Tongues" phenomenon. Again, we will derive our opinion from the testimony of Scripture and not personal experience.