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Date: January 25, 2015
Title: Free Indeed! (Pt 2 - The War)
Passage: Romans 6:1-8:15
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Man is a sinner, is justly condemned and incapable of freeing Himself. God, in His grace, provided the means for our redemption: the death of Christ.
* Now, through faith in the work of God - the death, burial & resurrection of Christ - we can be delivered from the eternal consequence of our rebellion
* Paul states that when we believe, we become "united together in the likeness of His death ... [and] we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection."
* Beginning in chapter 6, Paul begins discussing this union with Christ and the effects that it should and will have upon our lives.
* Last week, we considered the first of those effects: The Reckoning ... that we should reckon ourselves as dead to sin - for in Christ we ARE!
* Yet, as we shall see today from chapter 7, there is a war that is awakened within us when we become alive in Christ ...