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Date: January 12, 2025
Title: All In
Passage: Luke 14:25-34
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Last week, we took a one week break from Luke to examine ourselves as new creations in Christ. Paul declared, "If any one be in Christ he is a new creation." Indeed, he continued by stating that "old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." If you are a disciple of Christ, then you cannot be the same as you were before Jesus came into your life. While you used to live for the things of this world, now you are a minister of reconciliation, an ambassador of Christ, and are becoming the righteousness of God.
* Today, as we return to our study in the gospel of account of Luke, we see Jesus giving the multitude a reiteration of the foundational teaching for what Paul declared. Being a TRUE disciple of Jesus Christ is not something that I can turn on and off. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires a full commitment - you must be "All In!" On September 13th, when we were studying Luke 9:18-36 we considered the expectation of the Messiah - He expected that those who would be His disciples would be fully committed, that they would deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him.
* Today, as we go through this "hard to hear" teaching, we must again ask ourselves, "Am I all in? Am I truly a disciple of Christ?" If in any of these areas you, or I, fall short then we need to be humble enough to call upon the Lord and ask Him to cause us to be more committed!
* This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 12, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.