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Date: February 4, 2024
Title: Secrets of Selfless Servanthood
Passage: John 13:1-30
Speaker: Chuck Sabo

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* Perhaps like no other time in history, this world increasingly encourages people to promote and serve themselves, especially here in the United States. But Jesus calls His followers to die to themselves by living lives of selfless servanthood. And when we do that effectively, we can have a major impact on the world because it builds unity in the body of Christ and helps draw non-believers to Jesus.
* So this morning, we will be considering some secrets of selfless servanthood by looking at an event in John 13 that launched the final 18 hours or so of Jesus's earthly ministry immediately prior to His crucifixion. This event, Jesus's foot washing of His disciples, was only recorded in John's account. And we should be grateful that the Holy Spirit led John to do so, because there is much we can learn from it, and also apply to our walks as followers of Christ today.