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Date: February 27, 2022
Title: Until the Ancient of Days Came (Pt 2)
Passage: Daniel 7:1-28
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* The first half of the book of Daniel was primarily historical. Today, we begin considering the final six chapters which are primarily prophetical. Yet, the prophecies of Daniel contain such great detail that liberal scholars have sought for years to prove that they were written after the fact! However, in 1952 Cave 4 at Qumran revealed fragments of a manuscript containing segments of the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel! These are manuscripts are commonly referred to as the Dead Sea Scrolls. At least eight manuscripts of Daniel have been found among the 11 caves; only the Psalms (13) and Exodus (9) outnumber that number of manuscripts!
* This is where we begin to see The Impact of His Writing!
* Last week, as we began to consider this text, we saw that this prophecy builds up the vision that Nebuchadnezzar had in his dream which is recorded in chapter 2.
* Today, Lord willing, we will conclude our consideration of the first of Daniel's prophetic visions.