Date: January 1, 2012
Title: The Reign of Christ (Pt. 1 His Future Physical Reign)
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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In Revelation 20, Jesus reveals through John six times in the first seven verses that there would a one thousand year period in which Satan would be bound and that He would physically reign on the earth. This period of time is referred to as the Millennium, or the Millennial Reign of Christ. Though, the Old Testament Prophets spoke, being moved of the Holy Spirit, much about this period and the Revelation is quite specific and clear regarding the length of this earthly reign of the Messiah, many segments of Christianity refuse to accept a literal understanding. The question must be asked, "Who, or what, should be the final authority for interpretation?" Should it not be God Himself? Additionally, there are many in Christendom who refuse to accept that God has declared that He will once again deal with Israel as His chosen people and nation. This message considers the location, inhabitants, disposition and focus of this future physical kingdom of the Messiah.

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