Date: September 4, 2011 Title: The Life of Christ (Pt 7 - The Passion of His Ministry) Speaker: Bob Corbin Sermon Note Sheet (PDF Format) ...Sheet will open in new window Message Audio File ... If you would like to download the audio rather than listen to it in this window then right click on this link and choose "save target as." If you would like to open the audio file using your own audio software program then left click on the "Message Audio File" link. |
Your passions, that which you become strongly emotional about, will ultimately affect your priorities and decision making. What passion characterized the ministry of Christ? Earlier in our series, we saw that from a youth Christ knew, and was focused on, His purpose in life and sought to finish the work which the Father had given Him to perform. Christ had a passion for God, His Father. This passion is consistent with that which He declared to be the greatest command, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." We, too, are to have this primary passion for God. This passion for God will be revealed in our passion for His Word and His Work, will be a result of knowing His passion for us, and is the basis of the blessings and curses which we individually (and as a nation) experience.
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