Date: May 15, 2011 Title: The Shadow of Christ (Pt 16 - Seeing Christ as the Cure) Speaker: Bob Corbin Sermon Note Sheet (PDF Format) ...Sheet will open in new window Message Audio File ... If you would like to download the audio rather than listen to it in this window then right click on this link and choose "save target as." If you would like to open the audio file using your own audio software program then left click on the "Message Audio File" link. |
Throughout the Old Testament we find types which are shadows of the Messiah who was to come and which are testified to in the New Testament. During Israel's journey through the wilderness we see many of these types portrayed. One significant type is that of the brazen serpent lifted up in the wilderness, referred to by Jesus Himself in John 3. The children of Israel were guilty of insurrection against God, complaining about God's provision and direction. God sent fiery serpents among them. When the people repented God gave a cure - a bronze serpent attached to a pole. However, the people, when bitten, had to approach the pole by faith believing that they would be cured. In the same light, those who have been bitten by the serpent of sin, that would be everyone, must by faith look to Christ believing that they will be spiritually healed.
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