

Date: February 27, 2011
Title: The Shadow of Christ (Pt 9 - Seeing Christ as Our Passover)
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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The Feast of Passover is an annual remembrance for the Jewish people of how YHWH delivered them from the dominion and power of Egypt. Jesus, the night in which He was betrayed, revealed the fulfillment of the Passover celebration. He would be our Passover. The commemoration which we refer to as communion, or the Lord's Supper, actually is an extenuation of the Passover celebration. Jesus, as the firstborn Son, died in our stead; He was the ultimate Passover Lamb. Christ fully fulfilled the Passover type. He was chosen on the 10th day of Nisan, examined for four days, and then slaughtered (crucified) at twilight on the 14th day of Nisan. This was in order that we might be emancipated from our Egypt, sin!

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