Date: December 19, 2010
Title: The Gifts of God (Pt. 4 Peace)
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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The great paradox of the Christmas season is the angelic declaration that the Messiah was coming to bring peace (Luke 2:14). However, the very same Messiah declared, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:34) The key to understanding the apparently contradiction is to consider the context of each declaration. True peace is that which has been given to us as one of God's good and perfect gifts. While the world is looking for a messiah that will bring "world peace," true peace only comes when we experience peace with God. Once we experience this peace with God, the peace of God is extended into our lives. True perfect peace is that inner tranquility you may have regardless of your external circumstances.

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