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Date: January 26, 2025
Title: The Steward
Passage: Luke 16:1-17
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Last week, we saw Jesus share the value of a repentant sinner and the situation of a repentant sinner to the Pharisees and the multitudes in general. The first two parables that he spoke were about a man who had lost a sheep and a woman who had lost a coin. Then he shared the parable regarding the Prodigal Son.
* Today, we see that Jesus turns his teaching specifically toward His disciples - sharing with them a parable regarding an unjust, or unrighteous, steward who is at first condemned and then commended by his master. At the conclusion of the parable, we see that there were "others" listening in. Jesus' teaching regarding the actions of this steward and His subsequent applicational principles regarding our faithfulness and allegiance are points to which we ought to give somber consideration in our walk with Christ.
* This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 26, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.