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Date: February 02, 2025
Title: The Rich Man and Lazarus
Passage: Luke 16:14-31
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Over the past month, we have been studying Luke 14 through 16. In this portion of Luke, we have seen Jesus teaching various people groups that were following Him. In this section, we have seen Jesus' use of parables - or word pictures - to help illustrate, or portray, the point which He was conveying. Additionally, Jesus tended to teach into a moment by addressing a question, or statement, from those following Him.
* Last week, at the beginning of chapter 16, Jesus specifically turned his teaching toward His disciples - sharing with them a parable regarding an unjust, or unrighteous, steward who is at first condemned and then commended by his master. At the conclusion of the parable, we saw that there were "others" (specifically, the pharisees) who were listening in, and who understood that the parable was addressing them.
* Today, we want to pick up with that understanding of the Pharisees and consider Jesus' instruction to them after their derision of Him. In this portion, we saw Jesus first quickly address the extent of God's Knowledge, Kingdom, and Law. He then shares a parable which, at its core, is addressing the hardness of the Pharisees' hearts ... but which also opens up an opportunity for us to discuss what post-death might look like.
* This message was presented by Bob Corbin on February 2, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.