
Date: June 30, 2024
Title: The Messianic Mindset (Pt. 2)
Passage: Luke 23:33-44
Speaker: Chuck Sabo

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* Except for last week, when visiting missionary Bob Schneider delivered the teaching, we've spent the majority of June considering Luke's perspective regarding Jesus's call of His primary messengers and the communication of His primary message. A primary message that was designed to help people to change the way they approached life, by teaching them what having a Messianic mindset was all about. For to be a true follower of Jesus requires us to increasingly adjust and adapt our thinking to match His, so that we can more effectively serve as His ambassadors in this world.
* Pastor Bob summarized this Messianic mindset as one that is kingdom-focused and others-focused, rather than worldly-focused and self-focused.
* So, 2 weeks ago, in verses 21-35, Jesus gave four contrasts in the form of blessings and woes to illustrate the outcomes of those two mindsets, and then seven commands that challenge us to respond to those that mistreat us in ways that cannot help but get their attention.
* And my personal key take-away was this… “People destined for hell do not know what they are doing, or where they are heading. But we do”. And one of the best ways we can help them, is for us to embrace and exhibit a Messianic mindset, especially when we are treated poorly or unfairly.
* So this morning, after a quick recap of the seven commands, we'll wrap up Jesus's Messianic mindset teaching by considering five reflections of it, and then three illustrations that teach us how to effectively make it more of a reality in each of our lives.