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Date: June 9, 2024
Title: Choosing Messianic Ambassadords
Passage: Luke 6:12-23
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* Up to this point in our study of Luke's Gospel, we have seen the proclamation of the coming of the Messiah and His forerunner. We have then seen the birth and ministry of the Messiah's forerunner - John the Immerser (the Baptist), the proclamation of Jesus inaugurating His Messianic ministry, the authority and power of Jesus displayed through a variety of healings and of demons being cast out. Last week, we saw Jesus begin to ramp up His Messianic ministry by providing corrective instruction regarding the observance of the Sabbath. During this time, Jesus began to call individuals to follow Him. Some did and some did not. We read of some of those who did.
* Today, we see Jesus take the next step in His Messianic ministry - choosing His primary Ambassadors and giving them their primary Message.
* If you were to choose twelve men to represent you, or your business, or your ministry ... how would you go about choosing them? Would they send in resumés? Would you have multiple interviews? What criteria would you use to assess the most qualified candidates?
* What we begin to learn ... or begin to learn in a more intensive way ... is that the Kingdom mindset is unlike the mindset of the world.