Date: January 26, 2020
Title: Ministers of a Superior Covenant
Passage: 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:5
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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* As we began our study of 2 Corinthians, we considered Paul's "thesis statement" regarding the purpose of affliction in the life of the believer. Through afflictions, we have the opportunity to receive the encouragement of God and, subsequently, to dispense that same encouragement to others who are experiencing afflictions. Hence, rather than seeing trials as the world sees them - as hindrances and enemies to our happiness - we must come to embrace them knowing that our Sovereign God allowed them into our lives in order that we might grow in our knowledge of Christ and glorify He who redeemed us by His blood!
* In the last message, we saw how Paul declared that there were points in his life and ministry where he despaired of even life itself (1:8). Yet, he found his strength in God who delivers from death itself!
* Today, we begin to consider another angle on afflictions. God created man with a body, a soul, and a spirit. Afflictions then can come in each of those planes. In this section, we see Paul begin to discuss spiritual opposition that comes from those who seek to teach a false gospel, who declare that salvation is a result of works and not faith by grace. To address this, Paul contrasts the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, revealing the Superiority of the New Covenant.