Date: March 31, 2013 Title: The Cross of Completion Passage: John 19:30 Speaker: Bob Corbin Sermon Note Sheet (PDF Format) Download Message Audio |
* THIS IS THE DAY THAT WE CELEBRATE THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST! CHRIST'S RESURRECTION WAS THE CONFIRMATION OF JESUS' EXCLAMATION ON THE CROSS..."TETELESTAI - IT IS FINISHED!" * Last week, we considered how Jesus - while carrying His cross - had compassion on all of those surrounding Him. He exemplified the second greatest commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself" ... He certainly put the value and needs of others above Himself. * That Cross of Compassion is what brings us to this most important consideration - the Cross of Completion. * My two favorite words in the Bible are the Hebrew (O.T.) word "Khesed" and the Greek (N.T.) word "Tetelestai." "Khesed" is "faithful loving-kindness." Specifically, when referred to God, it is His faithful loving-kindness to objects of His covenant." * It was His faithful loving-kindness that kept His focus to finish that which He had determined before He laid the foundation of the world. * This morning we consider the impact of that crucial one word statement ... "Tetelestai!" |